Is it really that wrong to wear only a swimsuit into a store?

Dear Curbiture,

Is it really that wrong to wear a swimsuit into a store? My son and I were rushing from swim lessons to soccer practice and I did not bother to put on a shirt. Halfway to practice I realized I had to pick up sunscreen so I dashed into the CVS (with my swim trunks still on) and was told to leave.

I am a man.

I had shoes on.

It was a two minute stop to buy sunscreen.

Is this some kind of snooty Charlottesville thing or are there places that don’t freak out if you’re in swimwear?

Not a Creep

Dear Not a Creep,

It’s not that you were wearing swimwear. It’s that you weren’t wearing a shirt. I get it, men and women are different when it comes to going topless. Unfortunately the social norms are still the same.

As for the reason you went topless, it really doesn’t matter. Even if someone robbed you solely for your shirt, walking into a store shirtless is generally frowned upon. Many stores (both commercial and family-run) have a no-shirt, no-service policy. I'm sure you've seen the signs.

That said, a friend of mine was able to walk into Foods of all Nations in only her bathing suit. Perhaps you could get a one-piece?

According to a brief survey of Charlottesvillians conducted by me as I was getting lunch at Market St. Market today, men have been spotted shirtless at these establishments:

  • Food Lion on 5th st.
  • Lucky 7
  • The Double Horseshoe Saloon
  • Wal-Mart
  • Lazy Parrot Grill (long story)
  • Salvation Army Thrift
  • CVS on E. Main
  • Market St. Market
  • Ting Pavilion

I wish you the best of luck.


Published Jun 6, 2023

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